showing 25 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyear
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark Accolade (Horror Soft)1990labelimageminimize
Altered Beast Activision (Software Studios)1989labelimagesubject
Beast Busters Activision;SNK (Images Design)1991labelimagesubject
Night Walk Alternative Software1988labelimageminimize
Scorpion  Digital Magic Software1989labelimageminimize
The Bard's Tale: Tales of the Unknown Electronic Arts (Interplay)1987labelimagesubject
Abandoned Places 2 Electronic Zoo (ArtGame)1993labelimagesubject
Ghosts 'n Goblins Elite1990labelimageminimize
Temple of Apshai Trilogy Epyx (Westwood Associates)1986labelimageminimize
Fire and Brimstone Firebird;MicroProse (Vectordean)1990labelimageminimize
HeroQuest II: Legacy of Sorasil Gremlin Graphics1994labelimageminimize
Blade Warrior Image Works1991labelimagesubject
Castlevania  Konami;Novotrade (Novotrade)1990labelimagesubject
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge LucasArts1992labelimagesubject
Horror Zombies from the Crypt Millennium Interactive (Astral Software)1991labelimageminimize
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar Origin1988labelimageminimize
Transylvania Polarware1986labelimageminimize
Phantasie SSI (Andromeda Software)1987labelimageminimize
Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus SSI (Westwood Studios)1987labelimageminimize
Eye of the Beholder SSI;U.S. Gold (Westwood Associates)1991labelimageminimize
Pool of Radiance  SSI;U.S. Gold (Ubi Soft)1990labelimagesubject
Lords of Doom Starbyte (Attic Entertainment)1990labelimageminimize
Ghouls 'n Ghosts U.S. Gold (Software Creations)1990labelimageminimize
Night Hunter  Ubi Soft1990labelimageminimize
Tom and the Ghost Ubi Soft (Blue Byte)1990labelimageminimize